RNA-seq tracks

This is a RNA-seq super track that groups together signal of RNA-seq data (bigWig format) of stranded and unstranded RNA-seq samples. regions (bigBed format).

The RNA-seq pipeline used to generate these tracks are described here <https://gitlab.com/danio-code/DANIO-CODE_RNA-seq>.

Briefly, the pipeline consists of:
  1. Reference genome index generation (one time only).
  2. Alignment files with STAR: The part of the pipeline which maps the reads to the reference genome.
  3. Quality control of alignment: The second step which controls the quality of the alignments from STAR.
  4. bedGraph to bigWig signal conversion.
Track definition:
RNA-seq tracks consist of 2 different types: #. RNA-seq signals for stranded samples, which consist of positive and negative strands. #. RNA-seq signals for stranded samples, which consist of collapsed positive strands.

For more information on how the data were processed, please refer here <https://gitlab.com/danio-code/ADANIO-CODE_RNA-seq>.