ChIP-seq tracks

This is a ChIP-seq super track that groups together signal (bigWig format) and narrow peaks (bigNarrowPeak format) of ChIP-seq data. regions (bigBed format).

The ChIP-seq pipeline used to generate these tracks are described here <>.

Briefly, the pipeline consists of:
  1. Aligning reads (bwa): Aligning raw reads to the reference genome.
  2. Filtering of aligned reads: Filtering the ba file for unaligned reads and and duplicates with samtools and sambamba.
  3. Optical duplicates detection: Detect optical duplicates with Picard tools.
  4. Duplicates removal: Second round of filtering with samtools and sambamba.
  5. Cross-correlation analysis.
Track definition:
ChIP-seq tracks consist of 2 different types: #. ChIP-seq signals. #. ChIP-seq narrow peaks.

For more information on how the data were processed, please refer here <>.