Series Summary for DCD000397SR

RNAseq from mature ductal cells from nkx6.1:GFP zebrafish lines




In contrast to mammals, the zebrafish has the remarkable capacity to regenerate its pancreatic beta cells very efficiently. Understanding the mechanisms of regeneration in the zebrafish and the differences with mammals will be fundamental to discovering molecules able to stimulate the regeneration process in mammals. To identify the pancreatic cells able to give rise to new beta cells in the zebrafish, we generated new transgenic lines allowing the tracing of multipotent pancreatic progenitors and endocrine precursors.



Feb. 23, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

Feb. 23, 2018, 7:33 a.m.


Biosample ID Series biosample_type biosample_lab genetic_background stage Controlled By anatomical_term Treatment Hours Post Fertilization Mutation Description
DCD007100BS DCD000397SR tissue Peers Lab, University of Liege AB 90 Days-2 Years pancreatic ductal cell adult
Applied Assay ID Biosample Replicate Assay
DCD002172AA DCD013763BR RNA-seq_Peers_Lab_0006AS
Sequencing ID Technical Replicate Sequencing Lab Platform Instrument Chemistry Version Paired End Strand Sequencing Date
DCD002548SQ DCD002574TR Peers Lab, University of Liege Illumina HiSeq 2000 TruSeq Nano DNA kit or Nextera XT DNA unstranded 08/17/2015
Applied Assay ID Biosample Replicate Assay
DCD002173AA DCD013764BR RNA-seq_Peers_Lab_0006AS
Sequencing ID Technical Replicate Sequencing Lab Platform Instrument Chemistry Version Paired End Strand Sequencing Date
DCD002549SQ DCD002575TR Peers Lab, University of Liege Illumina HiSeq 2000 TruSeq Nano DNA kit or Nextera XT DNA unstranded 08/17/2015
Applied Assay ID Biosample Replicate Assay Controlled By
DCD002174AA DCD013765BR RNA-seq_Peers_Lab_0006AS
Sequencing ID Technical Replicate Sequencing Lab Platform Instrument Chemistry Version Paired End Strand Maximum Read Length Sequencing Date
DCD002550SQ DCD002576TR Peers Lab, University of Liege Illumina HiSeq 2000 TruSeq Nano DNA kit or Nextera XT DNA unstranded 08/17/2015