Tracks are grouped together based on assay. When possible, regions of enrichment are generated and showed (ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq peaks, CAGE-seq tag clusters and methylation level of cytosines in each context for BS-seq).
Inside assay type composites, the tracks are organised in subgroups based on developmental stages. This enables all tracks from the same stages to be shown in bulk. Tracks are by default ordered based on developmental time course. BS-seq and ChIP-seq have additional grouping, corresponding to cytosine context and ChIP-seq target respectively.
The tracks are named and labeled according to their respective DANIO-CODE DCC sequencing id. The long label shown above the track in the browser represent the developmental stage, group which generated the data, tissue, and geo/sra reference number. Missing information are represented by `nan`. Futher information about how the tracks were generated can be found on each composite page.
There are two different data types you can download, annotation and sequencing data.
The annotation data are provided as csv files, which follow the terms of the annotation system.
You can either download it using the data export tool and clicking "Download annotation" or from the details page of a series.
The sequencing/processed files can be downloaded either using the data export tool, the individual download buttons on the series details page or via the URLs provided in the annotation csv files.
The following information is needed for each biosample and its replicates
The following information is needed for each assay.
The following information is needed for each biosample-assay pair.
Only demultiplexed FASTQ files are allowed. Exactly one file per sequencing if it was one in single end mode and exactly two for paired end sequencing each with a web accessible URL to download the data from (entered in the fields described below). For large amounts of data, write to to request a preloading on the server.
The data annotation tool is available at You need to create a user account to be able to view data. After a security check your account will have access to the annotation upload tools.
Data producers are requested to start gathering their metadata according to the nomenclatures listed below, and collect them in a format which will allow them to use CSV files during data annotation and batch annotation using the online DCC tool.
In addition to the web application annotation procedure, we have provided a batch CSV uploading procedure. This will be useful for users that have a large amount of data for which the web application may be cumbersome or error prone.
Batch uploads are accomplished using CSV files that describe the annotation details (series, biosamples, assays, sequences) and associated data files. CSV files can be created in excel and "saved as" any provided CSV format. CSV files can also be automatedly produced CSV file, but must adhere exactly to the guidelines below. This CSV file can be uploaded and processed through the batch upload page at
An excel document with an example upload can be found at this link.
In order to use this as a batch upload csv file the first column must be removed and this file must be saved in any supported CSV format from excel.
You can find the an example of a correctly formated CSV file at this link.
If you open this file in excel please reformat the sequencing__sequencing_date to the correct date format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Each row of the uploaded CSV file can create new annotation records or work with references to already existing records via the DANIO-CODE id’s. Links between annotation records (i.e. that a biosample belongs to a series) are created between any annotation/data records on each line of the CSV file. Thus each row must contain columns describing the annotation details (series, biosample, assay, and sequencing) and the associated data. Once an annotation record has been entered on a line of the CSV file, all following lines may simply reference the interal_id field to link that record to several data files. If additional annotation record attributes are provided they must match those in the first record with that annotation record internal_id. The requirements for all annotation record attributes are listed below.
Unless otherwise noted fields may contain free text (most fields allow a maximum of 200 characters). Unless otherwise noted each field is required (unless a previous line has defined the annotation record attributes associated with this internal_id).
The header for the CSV files is strictly controlled to ensure correct annotation of each sample. Header fields for each attribute must match exactly the annotation record (series, biosample, assay, etc.) follow by two underscores (“__”) and the attribute name (internal_id, series_type, etc.). Thus the header field for a series id would be “series__series_id” and the header field for a biosample type would be “biosample__biosample_type”. Optional fields need not be included in the CSV file if this attribute will not be defined for any sample.
The following terms and their restrictions may change, please always check the most recent version of this document.
18 CAGE-seq libraries
24 ChIP-seq libraries (four out of them as mock IPs)
To each of the 42 libraries the following is assigned:
To each of the 66 data sets (18 CAGE-Seq and 48 ChIP-Seq) the following is assigned:
URL to each of the individual FASTQ files
An excel document with an example upload can be found at this link.
In order to use this as a batch upload csv file the first column must be removed and this file must be saved in any supported CSV format from excel.
You can find the an example of a correctly formated CSV file at this link.
If you open this file in excel please reformat the sequencing__sequencing_date to the correct date format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Name |
complete upload |
initial entry |
with processed files |
Name |
cell line |
stem cells |
tissue |
whole organism |
Name |
abdominal musculature |
abducens motor nucleus |
abductor hyohyoid |
abductor muscle |
abductor profundus |
absorptive cell |
accessory chamber of the maxillary blood sinus |
accessory pretectal nucleus |
acellular anatomical structure |
acid secreting cell |
acinar cell |
actinotrichium |
adaxial cell |
adductor |
adductor arcus palatini |
adductor hyohyoid |
adductor hyomandibulae |
adductor mandibulae |
adductor mandibulae complex |
adductor muscle |
adductor operculi |
adductor profundus |
adenohypophyseal placode |
adenohypophysis |
adipose tissue |
adrenal medulla cell |
adrenergic neuron |
adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell |
afferent branchial artery |
afferent filamental artery |
afferent glomerular arteriole |
afferent lamellar arteriole |
afferent neuron |
alar plate midbrain region |
alkali secreting cell |
alpha-beta T cell |
amacrine cell |
ameloblast |
amelocyte |
ampullary nerve |
anal depressor |
anal erector |
anal fin |
anal fin actinotrichium |
anal fin distal radial |
anal fin lepidotrichium |
anal fin lepidotrichium 1 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 2 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 3 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 4 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 5 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 6 |
anal fin lepidotrichium 7 |
anal fin musculature |
anal fin proximal radial |
anal fin pterygiophore |
anal fin radial |
anal fin skeleton |
anal inclinator |
anatomical cluster |
anatomical group |
anatomical line |
anatomical space |
anatomical structure |
anatomical surface |
anatomical system |
androgen secreting cell |
angioblastic mesenchymal cell |
angiogenic sprout |
angular bone |
anguloarticular |
anguloarticular-retroarticular joint |
annular ligament |
ansulate commissure |
anterior axial hypoblast |
anterior cardinal vein |
anterior catecholaminergic tract |
anterior cerebral vein |
anterior chamber swim bladder |
anterior commissure |
anterior crista |
anterior crista primordium |
anterior dorsomedial process of autopalatine |
anterior lateral line |
anterior lateral line ganglion |
anterior lateral line nerve |
anterior lateral line neuromast |
anterior lateral line placode |
anterior lateral line primordium |
anterior lateral line system |
anterior lateral mesoderm |
anterior lateral plate mesoderm |
anterior lateral process of autopalatine |
anterior macula |
anterior mesencephalic central artery |
anterior mesenteric artery |
anterior myodome |
anterior naris |
anterior nasal barbel |
anterior neural keel |
anterior neural plate |
anterior neural rod |
anterior neural tube |
anterior pancreatic bud |
anterior presumptive neural plate |
anterior sclerotic bone |
anterior segment eye |
anterior semicircular canal |
anterior swim bladder bud |
anterior ventromedial process of autopalatine |
anteromedial zone olfactory bulb |
aortic arch |
aortic arch 1 |
aortic arch 2 |
aortic arch 3 |
aortic arch 4 |
aortic arch 5 |
aortic arch 6 |
apical ectodermal ridge |
apical ectodermal ridge dorsal fin |
apical ectodermal ridge median fin fold |
apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud |
apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin |
apical ectodermal ridge pelvic fin bud |
apical epidermal cap |
aponeurosis |
aqueous humor |
area postrema |
arrector muscle |
arteriole |
artery |
articular cartilage |
articular fossa of opercle |
asteriscus |
astrocyte |
atrial endocardium |
atrial epicardium |
atrial myocardium |
atrioventricular canal |
atrioventricular canal endocardium |
atrioventricular node |
atrioventricular ring |
atrioventricular valve |
atrium |
atrium of sinus impar |
atypical epithelium |
auditory capsule |
auditory epithelial support cell |
auditory fenestra |
auditory foramen |
auditory receptor cell |
autonomic nervous system |
autonomic neuron |
autopalatine |
autopalatine-lateral ethmoid joint |
autopalatine-maxillary joint |
autopalatine-preethmoid joint |
autopalatine-vomer joint |
axial blood vessel |
axial chorda mesoderm |
axial fin skeleton |
axial hypoblast |
axial lymph vessel |
axial mesoderm |
axial vasculature |
axis |
ball |
band form neutrophil |
barbel |
barbel primordium |
barrier cell |
barrier epithelial cell |
basal communicating artery |
basal lamina |
basal layer breeding tubercle |
basal plate cartilage |
basal plate midbrain region |
basal regeneration epithelium |
basibranchial |
basibranchial 1 |
basibranchial 2 |
basibranchial 3 |
basibranchial 4 |
basicapsular fenestra |
basidorsal |
basihyal bone |
basihyal cartilage |
basilar artery |
basioccipital |
basioccipital-exoccipital joint |
basioccipital posterodorsal region |
basioccipital-prootic joint |
basipterygium |
basipterygium cartilage |
basiventral |
basket cell |
basophilic erythroblast |
B cell |
Bergmann glial cell |
bifurcate interneuron |
bile canaliculus |
bile ductule |
biogenic amine secreting cell |
bipolar neuron |
blastema |
blastemal cell |
blastoderm |
blastoderm cell |
blastodisc |
blastomere |
blood |
blood cell |
blood island |
blood plasma |
blood sinus |
blood sinus cavity |
blood vasculature |
blood vessel |
blood vessel endothelial cell |
blood vessel endothelium |
blue sensitive photoreceptor cell |
bone element |
bone tissue |
bony plate |
bony projection |
bony shelf above orbit |
Bowman's layer |
Brachet's cleft |
brain |
brain nucleus |
brainstem |
brainstem and spinal white matter |
brain vasculature |
branched anal fin ray |
branched caudal fin ray |
branched dorsal fin ray |
branchial mesenchyme |
branchial muscle |
branchiomotor neuron |
branchiostegal membrane |
branchiostegal ray |
branchiostegal ray 1 |
branchiostegal ray 2 |
branchiostegal ray 3 |
breeding tubercle |
Bruch's membrane |
brush border epithelial cell |
bulbo-spinal tract |
bulbus arteriosus |
bulbus arteriosus inner layer |
bulbus arteriosus middle layer |
bulbus arteriosus outer layer |
CaD |
Cajal-Retzius cell |
calcitonin secreting cell |
capillary |
capillary loop nephron |
CaP motoneuron |
cardiac conduction system |
cardiac jelly |
cardiac mesenchymal cell |
cardiac muscle |
cardiac muscle cell |
cardiac muscle myoblast |
cardiac neural crest |
cardiac ventricle |
cardinal system |
cardiovascular system |
carotid artery |
cartilage element |
cartilage tissue |
cartilaginous joint |
caudal artery |
caudal commissure |
caudal division of the internal carotid artery |
caudal fin |
caudal fin actinotrichium |
caudal fin blood vessel |
caudal fin dorsal procurrent ray |
caudal fin fat |
caudal fin lepidotrichium |
caudal fin lower lobe |
caudal fin lymph vessel |
caudal fin musculature |
caudal fin principal ray |
caudal fin principal ray 1 |
caudal fin principal ray 10 |
caudal fin principal ray 11 |
caudal fin principal ray 12 |
caudal fin principal ray 13 |
caudal fin principal ray 14 |
caudal fin principal ray 15 |
caudal fin principal ray 16 |
caudal fin principal ray 17 |
caudal fin principal ray 18 |
caudal fin principal ray 19 |
caudal fin principal ray 2 |
caudal fin principal ray 3 |
caudal fin principal ray 4 |
caudal fin principal ray 5 |
caudal fin principal ray 6 |
caudal fin principal ray 7 |
caudal fin principal ray 8 |
caudal fin principal ray 9 |
caudal fin procurrent ray |
caudal fin skeleton |
caudal fin upper lobe |
caudal fin vasculature |
caudal fin ventral procurrent ray |
caudal hypothalamic zone |
caudal levator |
caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract |
caudal motor nucleus |
caudal oblique |
caudal octaval nerve motor nucleus |
caudal octaval nucleus |
caudal octavolateralis nucleus |
caudal parvocellular preoptic nucleus |
caudal peduncle |
caudal periventricular hypothalamus |
caudal preglomerular nucleus |
caudal pretectal nucleus |
caudal root of abducens nerve |
caudal thalamic nucleus |
caudal tuberal nucleus |
caudal tuberculum |
caudal vein |
caudal vein plexus |
caudal vertebra |
caudal zone of dorsal telencephalon |
CaV |
cavitated compound organ |
celiacomesenteric artery |
cell |
cementoblast |
cementocyte |
central artery |
central canal |
central cardiac conduction system |
central caudal thalamic nucleus |
central chamber of the maxillary blood sinus |
central nervous system |
central nucleus inferior lobe |
central nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
central nucleus torus semicircularis |
central pretectal nucleus |
central pretectum |
central ray artery |
central vein |
central zone of dorsal telencephalon |
central zone of the optic tectum |
central zone olfactory bulb |
central zone protoglomerulus |
central zone protoglomerulus 1 |
central zone protoglomerulus 2 |
central zone protoglomerulus 3 |
central zone protoglomerulus 4 |
central zone protoglomerulus 5 |
centrum |
cephalic flexure |
cephalic musculature |
ceratobranchial 1 bone |
ceratobranchial 1 cartilage |
ceratobranchial 2 bone |
ceratobranchial 2 cartilage |
ceratobranchial 3 bone |
ceratobranchial 3 cartilage |
ceratobranchial 4 bone |
ceratobranchial 4 cartilage |
ceratobranchial 5 bone |
ceratobranchial 5 cartilage |
ceratobranchial 5 ligament |
ceratobranchial 5 tooth |
ceratobranchial bone |
ceratobranchial cartilage |
ceratohyal bone |
ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint |
ceratohyal cartilage |
ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint |
ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint |
cerebellar central artery |
cerebellar crest |
cerebellar granule cell |
cerebellar white matter |
cerebellovestibular tract |
cerebellum |
cerebral spinal fluid |
cerebrospinal fluid secreting cell |
chemoreceptor cell |
cholangiocyte |
cholinergic neuron |
chondral bone |
chondroblast |
chondrocranium |
chondrocranium cartilage |
chondrocyte |
chordo neural hinge |
chorion |
choroidal cell of the eye |
choroidal fissure |
choroid plexus |
choroid plexus epithelial cell |
choroid plexus fourth ventricle |
choroid plexus tectal ventricle |
choroid plexus telencephalic ventricle |
choroid plexus third ventricle |
choroid plexus vascular circuit |
chromaffin cell |
CiA |
CiD |
ciliary marginal zone |
ciliary zone |
ciliated cell |
ciliated epithelial cell |
ciliated olfactory receptor neuron |
circulating cell |
circulus |
claustrum bone |
claustrum cartilage |
cleft cell |
cleithrum |
cleithrum-vertebral ligament |
climbing fiber |
cloaca |
cloacal chamber |
cloacal epithelium |
CNS interneuron |
CNS long range interneuron |
CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) |
CNS short range interneuron |
CoB |
CoBL |
coelom |
CoLA |
collagenous dermal stroma |
collagen secreting cell |
collecting duct |
columnar chondrocyte |
columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell |
comma-shaped body |
commissura cerebelli |
commissura rostral, pars dorsalis |
commissura rostral, pars ventralis |
commissure infima of Haller |
commissure of the caudal tuberculum |
commissure of the secondary gustatory nucleus |
common bile duct |
common cardinal vein |
common crus |
common lymphoid progenitor |
common myeloid progenitor |
communicating vessel palatocerebral artery |
compact layer of ventricle |
compound organ |
compound organ component |
concurrent branch afferent branchial artery |
cone retinal bipolar cell |
connective tissue cell |
constrictor dorsalis |
continuous blood vessel endothelium |
CoPA |
copula |
copula 1 |
copula 2 |
coracoid |
coracoid foramen |
coracoradialis |
cornea |
corneal endothelial cell |
corneal endothelium |
corneal epithelial cell |
corneal epithelium |
corneal primordium |
corneal stroma |
corneo-scleral junction |
coronary artery |
coronary capillary |
coronary vein |
coronomeckelian |
corpus cerebelli |
corpuscles of Stannius |
corpus mamillare |
CoSA |
cranial blood vessel |
cranial cartilage |
cranial division of the internal carotid artery |
cranial fat |
cranial ganglion |
cranial lymph vessel |
cranial motor neuron |
cranial nerve |
cranial nerve I |
cranial nerve II |
cranial nerve III |
cranial nerve IV |
cranial nerve IX |
cranial nerve root |
cranial nerve V |
cranial nerve VI |
cranial nerve VII |
cranial nerve VIII |
cranial nerve X |
cranial neural crest |
cranial neural crest cell |
cranial vasculature |
cranial vault |
cranium |
crossed tecto-bulbar tract |
crypt neuron olfactory support cell |
crypt olfactory receptor neuron |
cupula |
cyanoblast |
cyanophore |
cystic duct |
D cell |
decussation of medial funicular nucleus |
decussation of the medial octavolateralis nucleus |
deep blastomere |
deep caudal fin musculature |
deep lateral dorsal muscle |
deep lateral ventral muscle |
deep white zone |
dendritic cell |
dental epithelium |
dental mesenchyme |
dental organ |
dental papilla |
dental papilla cell |
dentary |
dentary-anguloarticular joint |
dentary foramen |
dentine |
depressor muscle |
dermal bone |
dermal deep region |
dermal superficial region |
dermatocranium |
dermis |
dermomyotome |
Descemet's membrane |
descending octaval nucleus |
descending trigeminal root |
developing mesonephric distal tubule |
developing mesonephric nephron |
developing mesonephric proximal tubule |
dG1 |
diencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line |
diencephalic nucleus |
diencephalic white matter |
diencephalon |
diffuse nucleus inferior lobe |
digestive enzyme secreting cell |
digestive system |
digestive system duct |
dilator operculi |
distal bulb of the maxillary blood sinus |
distal early tubule |
distal epidermal cap |
distal late tubule |
dlG1 |
dlG2 |
dlG3 |
dlG4 |
dlG5 |
DoLA |
dopaminergic neuron |
dorsal accessory optic nucleus |
dorsal actinotrichium |
dorsal anterior lateral line ganglion |
dorsal anterior lateral line nerve |
dorsal aorta |
dorsal arrector |
dorsal axial hypoblast |
dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery |
dorsal caudal thalamic nucleus |
dorsal ciliary vein |
dorsal depressor |
dorsal entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
dorsal erector |
dorsal fin |
dorsal fin distal radial |
dorsal fin distal radial 1 |
dorsal fin distal radial 2 |
dorsal fin distal radial 3 |
dorsal fin distal radial 4 |
dorsal fin distal radial 5 |
dorsal fin distal radial 6 |
dorsal fin distal radial 7 |
dorsal fin distal radial 8 |
dorsal fin fold |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 1 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 2 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 3 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 4 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 5 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 6 |
dorsal fin lepidotrichium 7 |
dorsal fin musculature |
dorsal fin protractor |
dorsal fin proximal radial |
dorsal fin proximal radial 1 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 2 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 3 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 4 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 5 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 6 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 7 |
dorsal fin proximal radial 8 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 1 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 2 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 3 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 4 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 5 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 6 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 7 |
dorsal fin pterygiophore 8 |
dorsal fin radial |
dorsal fin retractor |
dorsal fin skeleton |
dorsal funiculus |
dorsal habenular nucleus |
dorsal horn spinal cord |
dorsal hyoid arch |
dorsal hypohyal bone |
dorsal hypohyal-urohyal joint |
dorsal hypohyal-ventral hypohyal joint |
dorsal hypothalamic zone |
dorsal inclinator |
dorsal interfilamental caudal muscle |
dorsal larval melanophore stripe |
dorsal lateral line |
dorsal lateral line neuromast |
dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel |
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus |
dorsal longitudinal lymphatic vessel |
dorsal longitudinal vein |
dorsal mesentery |
dorsal motor nucleus trigeminal nerve |
dorsal motor root of V |
dorsal nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
dorsal oblique branchial muscle |
dorsal oblique extraocular muscle |
dorsal pelvic arrector |
dorsal periventricular hypothalamus |
dorsal proneural cluster |
dorsal rectus |
dorsal retractor |
dorsal root |
dorsal root ganglion |
dorsal spinal nerve |
dorsal tegmental nucleus |
dorsal telencephalon |
dorsal thalamus |
dorsal tooth row |
dorsal transverse |
dorsal zone of dorsal telencephalon |
dorsal zone olfactory bulb |
dorsolateral field |
dorsolateral motor nucleus of vagal nerve |
dorsolateral placode |
dorsolateral septum |
dorsolateral zone olfactory bulb |
dorsomedial optic tract |
dorso-rostral cluster |
dorsoventral diencephalic tract |
duct |
duct epithelial cell |
ductus communicans |
early embryonic cell |
ectoderm |
ectodermal cell |
ecto-epithelial cell |
ectomesenchyme |
ectopterygoid |
ectopterygoid-entopterygoid joint |
ectopterygoid-quadrate joint |
efferent branchial artery |
efferent filamental artery |
efferent glomerular arteriole |
efferent lamellar arteriole |
efferent neuron |
electrically active cell |
electrically responsive cell |
electrically signaling cell |
embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell |
embryonic structure |
eminentia thalami |
enameloid |
endocardial cushion |
endocardial precursor |
endocardial ring |
endocardium |
endochondral bone |
endochondral element |
endocrine cell |
endocrine pancreas |
endocrine system |
endoderm |
endodermal cell |
endo-epithelial cell |
endohypothalamic tract |
endolymph |
endolymphatic duct |
endorphin secreting cell |
endothelial cell |
endothelial tip cell |
enkephalin secreting cell |
enteric circular muscle |
enteric longitudinal muscle |
enteric musculature |
enteric nervous system |
enteric neuron |
enterocyte |
enteroendocrine cell |
entopterygoid |
entopterygoid-metapterygoid joint |
epaxialis |
epaxial myotome region |
epaxial region somite 1 |
epaxial region somite 10 |
epaxial region somite 11 |
epaxial region somite 12 |
epaxial region somite 13 |
epaxial region somite 14 |
epaxial region somite 15 |
epaxial region somite 16 |
epaxial region somite 17 |
epaxial region somite 18 |
epaxial region somite 19 |
epaxial region somite 2 |
epaxial region somite 20 |
epaxial region somite 21 |
epaxial region somite 22 |
epaxial region somite 23 |
epaxial region somite 24 |
epaxial region somite 25 |
epaxial region somite 26 |
epaxial region somite 27 |
epaxial region somite 28 |
epaxial region somite 29 |
epaxial region somite 3 |
epaxial region somite 30 |
epaxial region somite 4 |
epaxial region somite 5 |
epaxial region somite 6 |
epaxial region somite 7 |
epaxial region somite 8 |
epaxial region somite 9 |
ependymal cell |
ependymoglial cell |
epiblast |
epibranchial 1 bone |
epibranchial 1 cartilage |
epibranchial 2 bone |
epibranchial 2 cartilage |
epibranchial 3 bone |
epibranchial 3 cartilage |
epibranchial 4 bone |
epibranchial 4 cartilage |
epibranchial 5 |
epibranchial bone |
epibranchial cartilage |
epibranchial field |
epibranchial ganglion |
epibranchial placode |
epibranchial uncinate process |
epicardium |
epidermal basal stratum |
epidermal cell |
epidermal intermediate stratum |
epidermal placode |
epidermal superficial stratum |
epidermis |
epihyal |
epihyal-branchiostegal ray joint |
epihyal-ceratohyal joint |
epinephrin secreting cell |
epineural |
epiotic |
epiphyseal bar |
epiphyseal cluster |
epiphyseal stalk |
epiphysis |
epipleural |
epithalamus |
epithelial cell |
epithelial cell of esophagus |
epithelial cell of pancreas |
epithelial mesenchymal boundary |
epithelium |
epural |
erector muscle |
erythroblast |
erythroid lineage cell |
erythroid progenitor cell |
erythrophore |
esophageal epithelium |
esophageal fat |
esophageal sphincter |
esophageal striated muscle |
esophagus |
estradiol secreting cell |
ethmoid cartilage |
eurydendroid cell |
exoccipital |
exoccipital posteroventral region |
exocrine cell |
exocrine pancreas |
extension |
external cellular layer |
external lateral dorsal muscle |
external lateral ventral muscle |
external levatores |
external pharyngoclavicularis |
extracellular lipid lamellae |
extracellular matrix secreting cell |
extraembryonic cell |
extraembryonic structure |
extrahepatic duct |
extramedullary cell |
extraocular musculature |
extrapancreatic duct |
extrascapula |
eye |
eye photoreceptor cell |
facial ganglion |
facial lobe |
facial lymphatic network |
facial lymphatic sprout |
facial lymphatic vessel |
facial nerve motor nucleus |
facial neural crest |
facial placode |
facio-acoustic neural crest |
fasciculus retroflexus |
fast muscle cell |
fast muscle cell somite 1 |
fast muscle cell somite 10 |
fast muscle cell somite 11 |
fast muscle cell somite 12 |
fast muscle cell somite 13 |
fast muscle cell somite 14 |
fast muscle cell somite 15 |
fast muscle cell somite 16 |
fast muscle cell somite 17 |
fast muscle cell somite 18 |
fast muscle cell somite 19 |
fast muscle cell somite 2 |
fast muscle cell somite 20 |
fast muscle cell somite 21 |
fast muscle cell somite 22 |
fast muscle cell somite 23 |
fast muscle cell somite 24 |
fast muscle cell somite 25 |
fast muscle cell somite 26 |
fast muscle cell somite 27 |
fast muscle cell somite 28 |
fast muscle cell somite 29 |
fast muscle cell somite 3 |
fast muscle cell somite 30 |
fast muscle cell somite 4 |
fast muscle cell somite 5 |
fast muscle cell somite 6 |
fast muscle cell somite 7 |
fast muscle cell somite 8 |
fast muscle cell somite 9 |
fast muscle myoblast |
fat cell |
female organism |
fenestrated blood vessel endothelium |
fenestrated cell |
fertilized egg |
fibroblast |
fibrous joint |
filamental artery |
fin |
fin blood vessel |
fin bud |
fin fold actinotrichium |
fin fold pectoral fin bud |
fin lymph vessel |
fin musculature |
fin vasculature |
flexor muscle |
flexural organ |
floor plate |
floor plate diencephalic region |
floor plate midbrain region |
floor plate neural rod |
floor plate neural tube |
floor plate rhombomere 1 |
floor plate rhombomere 2 |
floor plate rhombomere 3 |
floor plate rhombomere 4 |
floor plate rhombomere 5 |
floor plate rhombomere 6 |
floor plate rhombomere 7 |
floor plate rhombomere 8 |
floor plate rhombomere region |
floor plate spinal cord region |
floor plate telencephalic region |
follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell |
folliculostellate cell |
fontanel |
foramen |
foramen magnum |
forebrain |
forebrain midbrain boundary |
forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel |
forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate |
forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod |
forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube |
forebrain neural keel |
forebrain neural plate |
forebrain neural rod |
forebrain neural tube |
forebrain ventricle |
forerunner cell group |
fossa |
fourth ventricle |
frontal bone |
frontal-parietal joint |
frontal-pterotic joint |
GABAergic neuron |
GAG secreting cell |
gall bladder |
gamete |
gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell |
gamma-delta T cell |
ganglion |
gastrula cell |
germ line cell |
germ ring |
ghrelin secreting cell |
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus |
gill |
gill filament |
gill ionocyte |
gill lamella |
gill opening |
gill raker |
gill ray |
glial cell |
glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) |
glioblast |
glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) |
glomerular basement membrane |
glomerular capillary |
glomerular layer |
glossopharyngeal ganglion |
glossopharyngeal lobe |
glossopharyngeal neural crest |
glossopharyngeal placode |
glucagon secreting cell |
glucocorticoid secreting cell |
glutamatergic neuron |
glycinergic neuron |
goblet cell |
gold iridophore |
Golgi cell |
gonad |
gonad primordium |
granular eminence |
granular layer corpus cerebelli |
granular layer valvula cerebelli |
granule cell |
granulocyte |
granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell |
granulosa cell |
granulosa cell layer |
green sensitive photoreceptor cell |
grey matter |
griseum centrale |
groove |
gustatory system |
gut |
gut absorptive cell |
gut endothelial cell |
gut epithelium |
habenula |
habenular commissure |
hair cell |
hair cell anterior macula |
hair cell posterior macula |
hatching gland |
hatching gland cell |
head |
head kidney |
head mesenchyme |
head muscle |
head sensory canal system |
heart |
heart primordium |
heart rudiment |
heart tube |
heart valve |
heart vasculature |
hemal arch |
hemal postzygapophysis |
hemal prezygapophysis |
hemal spine |
hematopoietic cell |
hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell |
hematopoietic stem cell |
hematopoietic system |
hepatic artery |
hepatic duct |
hepatic portal vein |
hepatic sinusoid |
hepatic vein |
hepatoblast |
hepatocyte |
hepatopancreatic ampulla |
hindbrain |
hindbrain commissure |
hindbrain interneuron |
hindbrain neural keel |
hindbrain neural plate |
hindbrain neural rod |
hindbrain neural tube |
hindbrain nucleus |
horizontal cell |
horizontal commissure |
horizontal myoseptum |
hyaloid artery |
hyaloid vein |
hyaloid vessel |
hyohyoideus |
hyoideomandibular nerve |
hyoid muscle |
hyoid neural crest |
hyomandibula |
hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint |
hyomandibula-opercle joint |
hyomandibula-pterotic joint |
hyomandibular foramen |
hyomandibular-otic region joint |
hyosymplectic cartilage |
hypaxialis |
hypaxial myotome region |
hypaxial region somite 1 |
hypaxial region somite 10 |
hypaxial region somite 11 |
hypaxial region somite 12 |
hypaxial region somite 13 |
hypaxial region somite 14 |
hypaxial region somite 15 |
hypaxial region somite 16 |
hypaxial region somite 17 |
hypaxial region somite 18 |
hypaxial region somite 19 |
hypaxial region somite 2 |
hypaxial region somite 20 |
hypaxial region somite 21 |
hypaxial region somite 22 |
hypaxial region somite 23 |
hypaxial region somite 24 |
hypaxial region somite 25 |
hypaxial region somite 26 |
hypaxial region somite 27 |
hypaxial region somite 28 |
hypaxial region somite 29 |
hypaxial region somite 3 |
hypaxial region somite 30 |
hypaxial region somite 4 |
hypaxial region somite 5 |
hypaxial region somite 6 |
hypaxial region somite 7 |
hypaxial region somite 8 |
hypaxial region somite 9 |
hypertrophic chondrocyte |
hypoblast |
hypobranchial 1 bone |
hypobranchial 1 cartilage |
hypobranchial 2 bone |
hypobranchial 2 cartilage |
hypobranchial 3 bone |
hypobranchial 3 cartilage |
hypobranchial 4 bone |
hypobranchial 4 cartilage |
hypobranchial artery |
hypobranchial bone |
hypobranchial cartilage |
hypochord |
hypocretin-secreting neuron |
hypodermal cell |
hypodermis |
hypohyal bone |
hypophyseal artery |
hypophyseal capillary |
hypophyseal fenestra |
hypophyseal vein |
hypophysis |
hypothalamus |
hypural |
hypural 1 |
hypural 2 |
hypural 3 |
hypural 4 |
hypural 5 |
hypural muscle |
hypurapophysis |
immature anterior macula |
immature B cell |
immature eye |
immature gamma-delta T cell |
immature gonad |
immature hair cell anterior macula |
immature hair cell posterior macula |
immature macula |
immature natural killer cell |
immature neutrophil |
immature posterior macula |
immature Schwann cell |
immature thymic epithelium |
immune system |
inclinator muscle |
inferior caudal dorsal flexor |
inferior caudal ventral flexor |
inferior hyohyoid |
inferior lobe |
inferior olive |
inferior raphe nucleus |
inferior reticular formation |
infracarinalis |
infraorbital |
infraorbital 1 |
infraorbital 2 |
infraorbital 3 |
infraorbital 4 |
infraorbital 5 |
infraorbital lateral line |
infraorbital lateral line neuromast |
infraorbital sensory canal |
infraorbital series |
infundibulum |
inhibitory interneuron |
inner dental epithelium |
inner ear |
inner ear foramen |
inner limiting membrane |
inner mental barbel |
inner optic circle |
insulating cell |
insulin secreting cell |
integument |
integument ionocyte |
inter-basipterygium joint |
intercalar |
intercalarium |
intercalarium articulating process |
intercalarium ascending process |
intercalated duct pancreas |
inter-coracoid joint |
intercostal ligament |
inter-frontal joint |
interhyal cartilage |
interhyal-epihyal joint |
interhyoideus |
inter-hypobranchial 3 joint |
intermandibularis |
intermediate cell mass of mesoderm |
intermediate hypothalamus |
intermediate mesenchyme |
intermediate mesoderm |
intermediate nucleus |
intermediate reticular formation |
intermediate thalamic nucleus |
intermuscular bone |
internal carotid artery |
internal cellular layer |
internal gill bud |
internal levator |
internal pharyngoclavicularis |
interneuromast cell |
interneuron |
interopercle |
interopercular-mandibular ligament |
interossicular ligament |
inter-parietal joint |
interpeduncular nucleus medulla oblongata |
interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum |
inter-premaxillary joint |
interradialis caudalis |
interray vessel |
interrenal angiogenic sprout |
interrenal gland |
interrenal primordium |
interrenal vessel |
intersegmental artery |
intersegmental lymph vessel |
intersegmental vein |
intersegmental vessel |
intertectal commissure |
intervening zone |
inter-ventral hypohyal joint |
intervessel commissure |
intervillus pockets |
intestinal bulb |
intestinal bulb epithelium |
intestinal bulb primordium |
intestinal epithelial cell |
intestinal epithelium |
intestinal interlymphatic vessel |
intestinal lamina propria mucosa |
intestinal lymphatic network |
intestinal mucosa |
intestinal mucosal muscle |
intestinal opening |
intestinal rod |
intestinal villus |
intestine |
intestine lumen |
intrahepatic bile duct |
intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cell |
intramembranous bone |
intrapancreatic duct |
ionocyte |
iridoblast |
iridophore |
iris |
iris blood vessels |
iris stroma |
islet |
isthmic primary nucleus |
ito cell |
jaw flap |
jaw flap breeding tubercle |
jaw row breeding tubercle |
joint |
jugular lymphatic vessel |
juxtaglomerular cell |
kappe olfactory receptor neuron |
keratin accumulating cell |
keratinocyte |
kidney |
kidney blood vessel |
kidney cell |
kidney epithelial cell |
kidney interstitial cell |
kidney medulla cell |
kidney vasculature |
kinethmoid bone |
kinethmoid cartilage |
Kolmer-Agduhr neuron |
Kupffer's vesicle |
labial cavity |
lacuna |
lacunocanalicular canal |
lacunocanalicular system |
lagena |
lagenar capsule |
lamina densa |
lamina orbitonasalis |
lamina rara externa |
lamina rara interna |
lapillus |
larval melanophore stripe |
lateral column |
lateral crista |
lateral crista primordium |
lateral dorsal aorta |
lateral ethmoid |
lateral ethmoid-autopalatine ligament |
lateral ethmoid-ectopterygoid ligament |
lateral ethmoid-frontal joint |
lateral ethmoid-supraethmoid |
lateral facial lymph vessel |
lateral floor plate |
lateral fontanel of frontal |
lateral forebrain bundle |
lateral forebrain bundle diencephalon |
lateral forebrain bundle telencephalon |
lateral funiculus |
lateral hypothalamic nucleus |
lateral larval melanophore stripe |
lateral lemniscus nucleus |
lateral line |
lateral line ganglion |
lateral line nerve |
lateral line primordium |
lateral line scale |
lateral line sensory nucleus |
lateral line system |
lateral longitudinal fasciculus |
lateral mesenchyme derived from mesoderm |
lateral mesoderm |
lateral migration pathway mesenchyme |
lateral nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
lateral olfactory tract |
lateral plate mesoderm |
lateral preglomerular nucleus |
lateral protoglomerulus |
lateral protoglomerulus 1 |
lateral protoglomerulus 2 |
lateral protoglomerulus 3 |
lateral protoglomerulus 4 |
lateral recess |
lateral rectus |
lateral reticular nucleus |
lateral semicircular canal |
lateral spinal nerve |
lateral valvula cerebelli |
lateral wall diencephalic region |
lateral wall midbrain region |
lateral wall neural rod |
lateral wall neural tube |
lateral wall rhombomere 1 |
lateral wall rhombomere 2 |
lateral wall rhombomere 3 |
lateral wall rhombomere 4 |
lateral wall rhombomere 5 |
lateral wall rhombomere 6 |
lateral wall rhombomere 7 |
lateral wall rhombomere 8 |
lateral wall spinal cord |
lateral wall telencephalic region |
lateral zone of dorsal telencephalon |
lateral zone olfactory bulb |
left intestinal lymphatics |
left liver lobe |
lens |
lens capsule |
lens epithelium |
lens placode |
lepidotrichium |
lepidotrichium joint |
lepidotrichium segment |
leptomeningeal cell |
leucoblast |
leucophore |
leukocyte |
levator arcus palatini |
levator operculi |
Leydig cell |
lG1 |
lG2 |
lG3 |
lG4 |
lG5 |
lG6 |
lGx |
ligament |
ligament cell |
lining cell |
lip |
lip epithelium |
liver |
liver and biliary system |
locus coeruleus |
longitudinal hypochordal |
longitudinal lateral lymphatic vessel |
lower left intestinal lymph vessel |
lower lip |
lower oral valve |
lower rhombic lip |
lower right intestinal lymph vessel |
luteinizing hormone secreting cell |
lymph |
lymphangioblast |
lymphangioblast cord |
lymphangiogenic sprout |
lymphatic branchial arch 1 |
lymphatic branchial arch 2 |
lymphatic branchial arch 3 |
lymphatic branchial arch 4 |
lymphatic capillary |
lymphatic system |
lymphocyte |
lymphoid progenitor cell |
lymph vasculature |
lymph vessel |
lymph vessel endothelium |
macroglial cell |
macrophage |
macula |
macula communis |
macula lagena |
macula neglecta |
macula saccule |
macula utricle |
maG1 |
magnocellular octaval nucleus |
magnocellular preoptic nucleus |
magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus |
maGx |
main intrapancreatic duct |
male organism |
mandibular arch skeleton |
mandibular fat |
mandibular lateral line |
mandibular lateral line neuromast |
mandibular muscle |
mandibular neural crest |
mandibular sensory canal |
mandibular symphysis |
manubrium |
margin |
marginal blastomere |
mature B cell |
mature gamma-delta T cell |
mature natural killer cell |
mature neutrophil |
Mauthner neuron |
maxilla |
maxillary barbel |
maxillary barbel blood sinus |
maxillary barbel blood vessel |
maxillary barbel lymph vessel |
maxillary barbel proximal plexus |
maxillary barbel vasculature |
maxillo-mandibular ligament |
maxillo-rostroid ligament |
M cell |
MCoD |
mdG1 |
mdG2 |
mdG3 |
mdG4 |
mdG5 |
mdG6 |
mechanoreceptor cell |
Meckel's cartilage |
medial caudal lobe |
medial column |
medial facial lymph vessel |
medial floor plate |
medial forebrain bundle |
medial forebrain bundle diencephalon |
medial forebrain bundle telencephalon |
medial funicular nucleus medulla oblongata |
medial funicular nucleus trigeminal nucleus |
medial longitudinal catecholaminergic tract |
medial longitudinal fasciculus |
medial migration pathway mesenchyme |
medial motor nucleus of vagal nerve |
medial octavolateralis nucleus |
medial olfactory tract |
medial preglomerular nucleus |
medial protoglomerulus |
medial protoglomerulus 1 |
medial protoglomerulus 2 |
medial protoglomerulus 3 |
medial protoglomerulus 4 |
medial rectus |
medial valvula cerebelli |
medial zone of dorsal telencephalon |
medial zone olfactory bulb |
median axial vein |
median fin |
median fin cartilage |
median fin fold |
median palatocerebral vein |
median tuberal portion |
mediodorsal tooth row |
mediodorsal zone of the olfactory bulb |
medulla oblongata |
megakaryocyte erythroid progenitor cell |
MeL |
melanoblast |
melanocyte |
melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell |
melanophore stripe |
MeLc |
MeLm |
MeLr |
MeM |
MeM1 |
membrane bone |
memory B cell |
memory T cell |
mental barbel |
Merkel cell |
mesangial cell |
mesencephalic artery |
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
mesencephalic vein |
mesenchymal cell |
mesenchymal lymphangioblast |
mesenchyme |
mesenchyme condensation cell |
mesenchyme derived from head mesoderm |
mesenchyme derived from head neural crest |
mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest |
mesenchyme dorsal fin |
mesenchyme median fin fold |
mesenchyme pectoral fin |
mesenchyme pelvic fin |
mesentery |
mesethmoid bone |
mesethmoid-lateral ethmoid joint |
mesethmoid-vomer joint |
mesocoracoid bone |
mesocoracoid cartilage |
mesoderm |
mesodermal cell |
mesoderm pectoral fin bud |
mesoderm pelvic fin bud |
meso-epithelial cell |
mesonephric duct |
mesonephric nephron |
mesonephric podocyte |
mesothelial cell |
mesovarium |
metapterygoid |
metapterygoid-symplectic fenestra |
metencephalic artery |
microcirculatory vessel |
microglial cell |
micropylar cell |
microvillous olfactory receptor neuron |
MiD2cl |
MiD2cm |
MiD2i |
MiD3cl |
MiD3cm |
MiD3i |
midbrain |
midbrain hindbrain boundary |
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel |
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate |
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod |
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube |
midbrain interneuron |
midbrain neural keel |
midbrain neural plate |
midbrain neural rod |
midbrain neural tube |
midbrain nucleus |
mid cerebral vein |
mid diencephalic organizer |
middle lateral line |
middle lateral line ganglion |
middle lateral line nerve |
middle lateral line neuromast |
middle lateral line placode |
middle lateral line primordium |
middle lateral line system |
middle mesencephalic central artery |
mid intestine |
mid intestine epithelium |
midline column |
migratory slow muscle precursor cell |
MiM1 |
MiP motor neuron |
MiR1 |
MiR2 |
MiV1 |
MiV2 |
molecular layer corpus cerebelli |
molecular layer valvula cerebelli |
monoblast |
monocyte |
mononuclear cell |
mononuclear odontoclast |
mononuclear osteoclast |
mononuclear phagocyte |
mossy fiber |
motile cell |
motor neuron |
motor nucleus of vagal nerve |
mouth |
mucus secreting cell |
Muller cell |
multi-ciliated epithelial cell |
multi fate stem cell |
multilaminar epithelium |
multipolar neuron |
multi-tissue structure |
muscle |
muscle cell |
muscle pioneer |
muscle pioneer somite 1 |
muscle pioneer somite 10 |
muscle pioneer somite 11 |
muscle pioneer somite 12 |
muscle pioneer somite 13 |
muscle pioneer somite 14 |
muscle pioneer somite 15 |
muscle pioneer somite 16 |
muscle pioneer somite 17 |
muscle pioneer somite 18 |
muscle pioneer somite 19 |
muscle pioneer somite 2 |
muscle pioneer somite 20 |
muscle pioneer somite 21 |
muscle pioneer somite 22 |
muscle pioneer somite 23 |
muscle pioneer somite 24 |
muscle pioneer somite 25 |
muscle pioneer somite 26 |
muscle pioneer somite 27 |
muscle pioneer somite 28 |
muscle pioneer somite 29 |
muscle pioneer somite 3 |
muscle pioneer somite 30 |
muscle pioneer somite 4 |
muscle pioneer somite 5 |
muscle pioneer somite 6 |
muscle pioneer somite 7 |
muscle pioneer somite 8 |
muscle pioneer somite 9 |
muscle precursor cell |
muscle stem cell |
musculature system |
myelin accumulating cell |
myelinating Schwann cell |
myeloblast |
myeloid cell |
myeloid leukocyte |
myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell |
myoblast |
myocardial precursor |
myocardium |
myoepithelial cell |
myoseptum |
myotome |
myotome somite 1 |
myotome somite 10 |
myotome somite 11 |
myotome somite 12 |
myotome somite 13 |
myotome somite 14 |
myotome somite 15 |
myotome somite 16 |
myotome somite 17 |
myotome somite 18 |
myotome somite 19 |
myotome somite 2 |
myotome somite 20 |
myotome somite 21 |
myotome somite 22 |
myotome somite 23 |
myotome somite 24 |
myotome somite 25 |
myotome somite 26 |
myotome somite 27 |
myotome somite 28 |
myotome somite 29 |
myotome somite 3 |
myotome somite 30 |
myotome somite 4 |
myotome somite 5 |
myotome somite 6 |
myotome somite 7 |
myotome somite 8 |
myotome somite 9 |
naive B cell |
NaK ionocyte |
naris |
nasal artery |
nasal bone |
nasal capsule |
nasal ciliary artery |
nasal vein |
natural killer cell |
NCC ionocyte |
nephrogenic mesenchyme stem cell |
nephron |
nephron progenitor |
nerve |
nervous system |
neural arch |
neural arch 3 |
neural arch 4 |
neural complex |
neural crest |
neural crest cell |
neural crest diencephalon |
neural crest hindbrain |
neural crest midbrain |
neural crest telencephalon |
neural keel |
neural plate |
neural postzygapophysis |
neural prezygapophysis |
neural rod |
neural spine |
neural spine 4 |
neural tube |
neuraxis flexure |
neurectodermal cell |
neurecto-epithelial cell |
neuroblast |
neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) |
neurocranial trabecula |
neurocranium |
neuroectoderm |
neuroendocrine cell |
neuroepithelial cell |
neurogenic field |
neurogenic placode |
neuroglioform cell |
neurohypophysis |
neuromast |
neuromast foramen |
neuromast hair cell |
neuromast mantle cell |
neuromast support cell |
neuromere |
neuron |
neuronal stem cell |
neuron neural crest derived |
neuroplacodal cell |
neurosecretory neuron |
neutrophil |
neutrophilic metamyelocyte |
neutrophilic myeloblast |
neutrophilic myelocyte |
neutrophilic promyelocyte |
neutrophil progenitor cell |
nevus |
nitrergic neuron |
noninvoluting endocytic marginal cell cluster |
non neural ectoderm |
non-Weberian precaudal vertebra |
norepinephrin secreting cell |
notochord |
notochordal ossification |
notochord inner cell |
notochord outer sheath cell |
notochord posterior region |
nucleate erythrocyte |
nucleus Edinger-Westphal |
nucleus isthmi |
nucleus lateralis valvulae |
nucleus of the descending root |
nucleus of the lateral recess |
nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus medulla oblongata |
nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus synencephalon |
nucleus of the posterior recess |
nucleus of the tract of the anterior commissure |
nucleus of the tract of the postoptic commissure |
nucleus ruber |
nucleus subglomerulosis |
nucleus taeniae |
occipital arch cartilage |
occipital lateral line |
occipital lateral line neuromast |
occipital region |
octaval nerve motor nucleus |
octaval nerve sensory nucleus |
ocular blood vessel |
oculomotor nucleus |
odontoblast |
odontoclast |
odontocyte |
odontoid tissue |
OFF-bipolar cell |
olfactory bulb |
olfactory bulb glomerulus |
olfactory bulb protoglomerulus |
olfactory epithelial support cell |
olfactory epithelium |
olfactory field |
olfactory granule cell |
olfactory nerve foramen |
olfactory pit |
olfactory placode |
olfactory receptor cell |
olfactory region |
olfactory rosette |
olfactory support cell |
olfactory system |
oligodendrocyte |
ON-bipolar cell |
oocyte |
oocyte stage I |
oocyte stage II |
oocyte stage III |
oocyte stage IV |
oocyte stage V |
opercle |
opercle-interopercle joint |
opercular artery |
opercular cavity |
opercular flap |
opercular lateral line |
opercular lateral line neuromast |
optic artery |
optic chiasm |
optic choroid |
optic choroid vascular plexus |
optic cup |
optic fiber layer |
optic fissure |
optic foramen |
optic furrow |
optic nerve head |
optic primordium |
optic recess |
optic stalk |
optic tectum |
optic tract |
optic vein |
optic vesicle |
oral cavity |
oral ectoderm |
oral epithelium |
oral region |
orbit |
orbital foramen |
orbital region |
orbitosphenoid |
orbitosphenoid-lateral ethmoid joint |
orbitosphenoid-prootic joint |
organism subdivision |
organizer inducing center |
os suspensorium |
os suspensorium medial flange |
osteoblast |
osteoclast |
osteocyte |
osteoprogenitor cell |
otic duct |
otic epithelium |
otic lateral line |
otic lateral line neuromast |
otic placode |
otic region |
otic sensory canal |
otic sensory epithelium |
otic squamous epithelium |
otic vesicle |
otic vesicle anterior protrusion |
otic vesicle lateral protrusion |
otic vesicle posterior protrusion |
otic vesicle protrusion |
otic vesicle ventral protrusion |
otolith |
otolithic lymph vessel |
otolith organ |
outer dental epithelium |
outer limiting membrane |
ovarian follicle |
ovarian follicle stage I |
ovarian follicle stage II |
ovarian follicle stage III |
ovarian follicle stage IV |
ovary |
oviduct |
oxygen accumulating cell |
pain receptor cell |
paired fin |
paired fin cartilage |
paired fin skeleton |
palate |
palatocerebral artery |
palatocerebral vein |
palatoquadrate arch |
palatoquadrate cartilage |
pancreas |
pancreas primordium |
pancreatic A cell |
pancreatic acinar cell |
pancreatic acinar gland |
pancreatic B cell |
pancreatic bud |
pancreatic centroacinar cell |
pancreatic D cell |
pancreatic duct |
pancreatic ductal cell |
pancreatic epsilon cell |
pancreatic fat |
pancreatic interlobular duct |
pancreatic intralobular duct |
pancreatic lobule |
pancreatic PP cell |
pancreatic system |
parachordal cartilage |
parachordal vessel |
paracommissural nucleus |
paracrine cell |
parafollicular cell |
parallel fiber |
parapineal organ |
parapophysis |
parapophysis 1 |
parapophysis 2 |
parapophysis/rib |
parasphenoid |
parasphenoid-basioccipital joint |
parasympathetic nervous system |
parasympathetic neuron |
parathyroid hormone secreting cell |
paraventricular organ |
paraxial mesoderm |
parhypural |
parietal bone |
parietal peritoneum |
pars anterior |
pars inferior ear |
pars intermedia |
pars subcommissuralis of ventral telencephalon |
pars superior ear |
parvocellular preoptic nucleus |
parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus |
pectinate muscle |
pectoral artery |
pectoral fin |
pectoral fin actinotrichium |
pectoral fin blood vessel |
pectoral fin breeding tubercle |
pectoral fin bud |
pectoral fin cartilage |
pectoral fin distal radial |
pectoral fin endoskeletal disc |
pectoral fin field |
pectoral fin fold |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 1 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 2 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 3 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 4 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 5 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 6 |
pectoral fin lepidotrichium 7 |
pectoral fin lymph vessel |
pectoral fin motor nerve |
pectoral fin motor nerve 1 |
pectoral fin motor nerve 2 |
pectoral fin motor nerve 3 |
pectoral fin motor nerve 4 |
pectoral fin musculature |
pectoral fin nerve |
pectoral fin plate fat |
pectoral fin proximal radial |
pectoral fin radial |
pectoral fin sensory nerve |
pectoral fin skeleton |
pectoral fin vasculature |
pectoral girdle |
pectoral lymphatic vessel |
pectoral vein |
pelvic abductor profundus |
pelvic adductor profundus |
pelvic fin |
pelvic fin actinotrichium |
pelvic fin bud |
pelvic fin cartilage |
pelvic fin field |
pelvic fin lepidotrichium |
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 1 |
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 2 |
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 3 |
pelvic fin lepidotrichium 4 |
pelvic fin musculature |
pelvic fin skeleton |
pelvic girdle |
pelvic radial |
pelvic radial 1 |
pelvic radial 1 cartilage |
pelvic radial 2 |
pelvic radial 2 cartilage |
pelvic radial 3 |
pelvic radial 3 cartilage |
pelvic radial cartilage |
peptide hormone secreting cell |
peptidergic neuron |
periarticular chondrocyte |
pericardial cavity |
pericardial fat |
pericardial muscle |
pericardium |
perichondral bone |
perichondrium |
perichordal bone |
perichordal connective tissue |
pericyte |
periderm |
peridermal cell |
perijunctional fibroblast |
perilymph |
perilymphatic duct |
perilymphatic space |
perineuronal satellite cell |
periocular mesenchyme |
periorbital fat |
peripheral cardiac conduction system |
peripheral nervous system |
peripheral neuron |
peripheral nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
peripheral olfactory organ |
peritoneal macrophage |
peritoneum |
periventricular grey zone |
periventricular nucleus |
periventricular nucleus of caudal tuberculum |
periventricular nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
phagocyte |
pharyngeal arch |
pharyngeal arch 1 |
pharyngeal arch 2 |
pharyngeal arch 2 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 3 |
pharyngeal arch 3-7 |
pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 4 |
pharyngeal arch 4 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 5 |
pharyngeal arch 5 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 6 |
pharyngeal arch 6 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch 7 |
pharyngeal arch 7 skeleton |
pharyngeal arch cartilage |
pharyngeal ectoderm |
pharyngeal endoderm |
pharyngeal epithelium |
pharyngeal mesoderm |
pharyngeal musculature |
pharyngeal pouch |
pharyngeal pouch 1 |
pharyngeal pouch 2 |
pharyngeal pouch 3 |
pharyngeal pouch 4 |
pharyngeal pouch 5 |
pharyngeal pouch 6 |
pharyngeal pouches 2-6 |
pharyngeal vasculature |
pharyngobranchial 2 bone |
pharyngobranchial 2 cartilage |
pharyngobranchial 3 bone |
pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage |
pharyngobranchial 4 cartilage |
pharyngobranchial bone |
pharyngobranchial cartilage |
pharyngohyoid |
pharynx |
photopic photoreceptor cell |
photoreceptor cell |
photoreceptor inner segment layer |
photoreceptor outer segment layer |
pigment cell |
pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata) |
pigmented epithelial cell |
pigment erythroblast |
pillar of the anterior semicircular canal |
pillar of the lateral semicircular canal |
pillar of the posterior semicircular canal |
pillar of the semicircular canal |
pineal complex |
pinealocyte |
pioneer neuron |
plasma cell |
pleuroperitoneal cavity |
pneumatic duct |
podocyte |
polster |
polychromatophilic erythroblast |
polymodal neuron |
pore |
portion of connective tissue |
portion of organism substance |
portion of tissue |
postcleithrum |
postcommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
postcranial axial cartilage |
postcranial axial skeleton |
posterior cardinal vein |
posterior caudal vein |
posterior cerebral vein |
posterior chamber swim bladder |
posterior communicating artery |
posterior crista |
posterior crista primordium |
posterior intestine |
posterior intestine epithelium |
posterior kidney |
posterior lateral line |
posterior lateral line ganglion |
posterior lateral line nerve |
posterior lateral line neuromast |
posterior lateral line placode |
posterior lateral line primordium |
posterior lateral line system |
posterior lateral mesoderm |
posterior lateral plate mesoderm |
posterior macula |
posterior mesencephalic central artery |
posterior mesenteric artery |
posterior naris |
posterior neural keel |
posterior neural plate |
posterior neural rod |
posterior neural tube |
posterior pancreatic bud |
posterior presumptive neural plate |
posterior pronephric duct |
posterior recess |
posterior sclerotic bone |
posterior segment eye |
posterior semicircular canal |
posteromedial glomerulus |
postoptic commissure |
post-otic sensory canal |
postovulatory follicle |
posttemporal |
posttemporal fossa |
post-vent region |
post-vent vasculature |
post-Weberian supraneural |
precaudal vertebra |
prechordal plate |
precursor B cell |
predentine |
preethmoid bone |
preglomerular nucleus |
premaxilla |
premaxilla ascending process |
premaxillary-maxillary ligament |
premaxillo-rostroid ligament |
preopercle |
preopercle horizontal limb |
preopercle horizontal limb-symplectic joint |
preopercle-retroarticular ligament |
preopercle vertical limb |
preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint |
preopercular sensory canal |
preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal |
preoptic area |
preopticohypophyseal tract |
preopticohypothalamic tract |
preplacodal ectoderm |
pressoreceptor cell |
presumptive atrioventricular canal |
presumptive atrium heart tube |
presumptive atrium primitive heart tube |
presumptive blood |
presumptive brain |
presumptive bulbus arteriosus |
presumptive cardiac ventricle heart tube |
presumptive cardiac ventricle primitive heart tube |
presumptive cephalic mesoderm |
presumptive diencephalon |
presumptive dorsal fin fold |
presumptive dorsal mesoderm |
presumptive ectoderm |
presumptive endocardium |
presumptive endoderm |
presumptive enteric nervous system |
presumptive floor plate |
presumptive forebrain |
presumptive hindbrain |
presumptive hypochord |
presumptive intervening zone |
presumptive median fin fold |
presumptive mesoderm |
presumptive midbrain |
presumptive neural plate |
presumptive neural retina |
presumptive paraxial mesoderm |
presumptive pronephric mesoderm |
presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium |
presumptive rhombomere 1 |
presumptive rhombomere 2 |
presumptive rhombomere 3 |
presumptive rhombomere 4 |
presumptive rhombomere 5 |
presumptive rhombomere 6 |
presumptive rhombomere 7 |
presumptive rhombomere 8 |
presumptive segmental plate |
presumptive shield |
presumptive sinus venosus |
presumptive spinal cord |
presumptive structure |
presumptive swim bladder |
presumptive telencephalon |
presumptive ventral fin fold |
presumptive ventral mesoderm |
pretectal periventricular nucleus |
pretecto-mammillary tract |
pretectum |
preural 1 vertebra |
preural 2 vertebra |
preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1 |
preural vertebra |
prevomer |
primary dental epithelium |
primary germ layer |
primary head sinus |
primary interneuron |
primary islet |
primary motor neuron |
primary neuron |
primary neuron hindbrain |
primary olfactory fiber layer |
primary posterior lateral line primordium |
primitive heart tube |
primitive internal carotid artery |
primitive meninx |
primitive mesencephalic artery |
primitive olfactory epithelium |
primitive pectoral fin abductor |
primitive pectoral fin adductor |
primitive prosencephalic artery |
primordial germ cell |
primordial hindbrain channel |
primordial ligament |
primordial midbrain channel |
primordial vasculature |
pro-B cell |
proctodeum |
proepicardial cluster |
professional antigen presenting cell |
progesterone secreting cell |
prolactin secreting cell |
proliferative region |
promonocyte |
pronephric capsular space |
pronephric distal early tubule |
pronephric distal late tubule |
pronephric duct |
pronephric duct opening |
pronephric glomerular basement membrane |
pronephric glomerular capillary |
pronephric glomerular capsule |
pronephric glomerular capsule epithelium |
pronephric glomerulus |
pronephric mesoderm |
pronephric podocyte |
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule |
pronephric proximal straight tubule |
pronephric tubule |
pronephros |
proneural cluster |
pro-NK cell |
prootic |
prootic bulla |
prootic depression |
prootic-exoccipital joint |
prootic foramen |
prootic-pterosphenoid joint |
propterygium |
prosencephalic artery |
pro-T cell |
protoneuromast |
protractor hyoidei |
proximal convoluted tubule |
proximal pars anterior |
proximal straight tubule |
pseudobranchial artery |
pseudounipolar neuron |
pterosphenoid |
pterosphenoid-orbitosphenoid joint |
pterotic |
pterotic fossa |
pupil |
Purkinje cell |
Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli |
Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli |
pyramidal cell |
quadrate |
quadrate-anguloarticular joint |
quadrate-entopterygoid joint |
quadrate-hyomandibula joint |
quadrate-metapterygoid joint |
quadrate ventral process |
radial |
radial glial cell |
raphe nucleus |
ray vein |
receptor cell (sensu Animalia) |
recessus lateralis |
recurrent branch afferent branchial artery |
red sensitive photoreceptor cell |
regenerating fin |
regenerating tissue |
regeneration epithelium |
regeneration fibroblast |
renal alpha-intercalated cell |
renal artery |
renal capsular space |
renal corpuscle |
renal duct |
renal glomerular capsule |
renal glomerular capsule epithelium |
renal glomerulus |
renal intercalated cell |
renal portal vein |
renal principal cell |
renal system |
renal tubule |
renal vesicle |
replacement bone |
replacement element |
reproductive system |
respiratory system |
reticular cell |
reticular formation |
reticulocyte |
retina |
retinal bipolar neuron |
retinal cone cell |
retinal ganglion cell |
retinal ganglion cell layer |
retinal inner nuclear layer |
retinal inner plexiform layer |
retinal neural layer |
retinal outer nuclear layer |
retinal outer plexiform layer |
retinal photoreceptor layer |
retinal pigmented epithelium |
retinal rod cell |
retroarticular |
rhombencephalic efferent neurons to the lateral line |
rhombencephalic octavola-teral efferent neuron |
rhombic lip |
rhombomere |
rhombomere 1 |
rhombomere 2 |
rhombomere 3 |
rhombomere 4 |
rhombomere 5 |
rhombomere 6 |
rhombomere 7 |
rhombomere 8 |
rib |
rib of vertebra 1 |
rib of vertebra 2 |
rib of vertebra 3 |
rib of vertebra 4 |
rib of vertebra 5 |
rib of vertebra 6 |
right intestinal lymphatics |
right liver lobe |
rod bipolar cell |
Rohon-Beard neuron |
RoI2C |
RoI2R |
RoL1 |
RoL2 |
RoL2c |
RoL2r |
RoL3 |
RoM1c |
RoM1r |
RoM2l |
RoM2m |
RoM3l |
RoM3m |
roofing cartilage |
roof plate |
roof plate diencephalic region |
roof plate midbrain region |
roof plate neural tube region |
roof plate rhombomere 1 |
roof plate rhombomere 2 |
roof plate rhombomere 3 |
roof plate rhombomere 4 |
roof plate rhombomere 5 |
roof plate rhombomere 6 |
roof plate rhombomere 7 |
roof plate rhombomere 8 |
roof plate rhombomere region |
roof plate spinal cord region |
RoP motor neuron |
rostral blood island |
rostral cerebellar tract |
rostral mesencephalo-cerebellar tract |
rostral motor nucleus |
rostral octaval nerve motor nucleus |
rostral octaval nucleus |
rostral pars anterior |
rostral parvocellular preoptic nucleus |
rostral preglomerular nucleus |
rostral root of abducens nerve |
rostral tegmental nucleus |
rostral thalamic nucleus |
rostral tuberal nucleus |
rostrolateral thalamic nucleus of Butler & Saidel |
RoV3 |
rudimentary neural arch |
saccule |
sacculoagenar foramen |
saccus dorsalis |
sagitta |
scale |
scale primordium |
scaphium |
scapula |
scapular foramen |
scapulocoracoid |
scapulo-vertebral ligament |
Schlemm's canal |
sclera |
scleral cell |
sclerotic bone |
sclerotic cartilage |
sclerotome |
sclerotome somite 1 |
sclerotome somite 10 |
sclerotome somite 11 |
sclerotome somite 12 |
sclerotome somite 13 |
sclerotome somite 14 |
sclerotome somite 15 |
sclerotome somite 16 |
sclerotome somite 17 |
sclerotome somite 18 |
sclerotome somite 19 |
sclerotome somite 2 |
sclerotome somite 20 |
sclerotome somite 21 |
sclerotome somite 22 |
sclerotome somite 23 |
sclerotome somite 24 |
sclerotome somite 25 |
sclerotome somite 26 |
sclerotome somite 27 |
sclerotome somite 28 |
sclerotome somite 29 |
sclerotome somite 3 |
sclerotome somite 30 |
sclerotome somite 4 |
sclerotome somite 5 |
sclerotome somite 6 |
sclerotome somite 7 |
sclerotome somite 8 |
sclerotome somite 9 |
secondary gustatory nucleus medulla oblongata |
secondary gustatory nucleus trigeminal nucleus |
secondary gustatory tract |
secondary islet |
secondary motor neuron |
secondary neuron |
secondary posterior lateral line primordium |
second tier layer of breeding tubercle |
segmental intercostal artery |
segmental plate |
semicircular canal |
seminal fluid secreting cell |
sensory canal |
sensory canal tubular ossicle |
sensory canal tubule |
sensory epithelial cell |
sensory neuron |
sensory processing neuron |
sensory root of facial nerve |
sensory system |
sensory trigeminal nucleus |
serotonergic neuron |
serotonin secreting cell |
serous membrane |
Sertoli cell |
silver iridophore |
simple columnar epithelial cell |
simple columnar epithelium |
simple cuboidal epithelium |
simple organ |
simple squamous epithelium |
single ciliated epithelial cell |
single fate stem cell |
sinoatrial node |
sinoatrial region |
sinoatrial ring |
sinoatrial valve |
sinus impar |
sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium |
sinus venosus |
skeletal element |
skeletal muscle |
skeletal muscle cell |
skeletal muscle myoblast |
skeletal muscle satellite cell |
skeletal system |
skeletal tissue |
skin flap |
slow muscle cell |
slow muscle cell somite 1 |
slow muscle cell somite 10 |
slow muscle cell somite 11 |
slow muscle cell somite 12 |
slow muscle cell somite 13 |
slow muscle cell somite 14 |
slow muscle cell somite 15 |
slow muscle cell somite 16 |
slow muscle cell somite 17 |
slow muscle cell somite 18 |
slow muscle cell somite 19 |
slow muscle cell somite 2 |
slow muscle cell somite 20 |
slow muscle cell somite 21 |
slow muscle cell somite 22 |
slow muscle cell somite 23 |
slow muscle cell somite 24 |
slow muscle cell somite 25 |
slow muscle cell somite 26 |
slow muscle cell somite 27 |
slow muscle cell somite 28 |
slow muscle cell somite 29 |
slow muscle cell somite 3 |
slow muscle cell somite 30 |
slow muscle cell somite 4 |
slow muscle cell somite 5 |
slow muscle cell somite 6 |
slow muscle cell somite 7 |
slow muscle cell somite 8 |
slow muscle cell somite 9 |
slow muscle myoblast |
smooth muscle |
smooth muscle cell |
smooth muscle myoblast |
snout |
solid compound organ |
solid lens vesicle |
somatic cell |
somatic stem cell |
somatomotor neuron |
somatostatin secreting cell |
somatotropin secreting cell |
somite |
somite 1 |
somite 10 |
somite 11 |
somite 12 |
somite 13 |
somite 14 |
somite 15 |
somite 16 |
somite 17 |
somite 18 |
somite 19 |
somite 2 |
somite 20 |
somite 21 |
somite 22 |
somite 23 |
somite 24 |
somite 25 |
somite 26 |
somite 27 |
somite 28 |
somite 29 |
somite 3 |
somite 30 |
somite 4 |
somite 5 |
somite 6 |
somite 7 |
somite 8 |
somite 9 |
somite border |
specialized hemal arch and spine |
sperm |
spermatid |
spermatocyte |
spermatogonium |
sperm duct |
sphenoid region |
sphenotic |
sphenotic-prootic fossa |
spinal accessory motor neuron |
spinal artery |
spinal cord |
spinal cord interneuron |
spinal cord neural keel |
spinal cord neural plate |
spinal cord neural rod |
spinal cord neural tube |
spinal nerve |
spinal nerve root |
spinal neuromere |
spinous layer of breeding tubercle |
splanchnocranium |
spleen |
squamous epithelial cell |
s-shaped body |
statoacoustic (VIII) ganglion |
statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus |
stellate cell |
stellate interneuron |
sternohyoid |
steroid hormone secreting cell |
stomodeum |
stratified cuboidal epithelial cell |
stratified epithelial cell |
stratified epithelial stem cell |
stratified keratinized epithelial stem cell |
stratified squamous epithelial cell |
stratum album centrale |
stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale |
stratum griseum centrale |
stratum marginale |
stratum opticum |
stratum periventriculare |
stretch receptor cell |
striated muscle cell |
stromal cell |
structural cell |
subcommissural organ |
subcutaneous fat |
subintestinal vein |
subopercle |
substance P secreting cell |
subtemporal fossa |
sulcus ypsiloniformis |
superficial abductor |
superficial adductor |
superficial blastomere |
superficial caudal fin musculature |
superficial grey and white zone |
superficial lateralis |
superficial layer of breeding tubercle |
superficial ophthalmic nerve foramen |
superficial pelvic abductor |
superficial pelvic adductor |
superficial pretectum |
superior caudal dorsal flexor |
superior caudal ventral flexor |
superior cervical ganglion |
superior raphe nucleus |
superior reticular formation medial column |
superior reticular formation tegmentum |
supportive cell |
supracarinalis |
suprachiasmatic nucleus |
supracleithrum |
supracleithrum-intercalar ligament |
supracleithrum-vertebral ligament |
supracommissural nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
supradorsal |
supraethmoid |
supraintestinal artery |
supraintestinal lymphatic vessel |
supraintestinal vein |
supraneural |
supraneural 10 |
supraneural 2 |
supraneural 3 |
supraneural 5 |
supraneural 6 |
supraneural 7 |
supraneural 8 |
supraneural 9 |
supraoccipital |
supraoccipital-parietal joint |
supraoptic commissure |
supraoptic tract |
supraorbital bone |
supraorbital lateral line |
supraorbital lateral line neuromast |
supraorbital sensory canal |
supratemporal sensory canal |
surface structure |
suspensorium |
sustentacular cell |
swim bladder |
swim bladder artery |
swim bladder bud |
sympathetic chain ganglion |
sympathetic nervous system |
sympathetic neuron |
symplectic |
synencephalon |
synostosis |
synovial cell |
synovial fluid |
synovial joint |
taenia marginalis anterior |
taenia marginalis posterior |
tail bud |
tangential nucleus |
taste bud |
taste receptor cell |
T cell |
tectal ventricle |
tecto-bulbar tract |
tectum synoticum |
tegmental nucleus |
tegmentum |
tela chorioidea |
tela chorioidea fourth ventricle |
tela chorioidea tectal ventricle |
tela chorioidea telencephalic ventricle |
tela chorioidea third ventricle |
telencephalic nucleus |
telencephalic ventricle |
telencephalic white matter |
telencephalon |
telencephalon diencephalon boundary |
tendon |
tendon cell |
terminal nerve |
terminal Schwann cell |
tertiary gustatory nucleus |
testis |
testosterone secreting cell |
tether cell |
thalamus |
theca cell |
thecal cell layer |
thermoreceptor cell |
third ventricle |
thoracic duct |
thromboblast |
thrombocyte |
thymic epithelium |
thymus |
thymus primordium |
thyroid follicle |
thyroid hormone secreting cell |
thyroid primordium |
thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell |
t-interneuron |
T interneuron |
tongue |
tooth 1D |
tooth 1MD |
tooth 1V |
tooth 2D |
tooth 2MD |
tooth 2V |
tooth 3MD |
tooth 3V |
tooth 4MD |
tooth 4V |
tooth 5V |
tooth cusp |
tooth placode |
tooth pulp |
tooth row |
torus lateralis |
torus longitudinalis |
torus semicircularis |
totipotent stem cell |
trabecula communis |
trabecula cranii |
trabecular layer |
trabecular layer of the atrium |
trabecular layer of ventricle |
tract of the caudal commissure |
tract of the postoptic commissure |
trans-choroid plexus branch |
transitional epithelial cell |
transitional stage B cell |
transverse band |
transverse canal |
trigeminal ganglion |
trigeminal motor nucleus |
trigeminal neural crest |
trigeminal placode |
trigeminal sensory neuron |
tripus |
tri-tipped trabecula |
trochlear motor nucleus |
trunk |
trunk ganglion |
trunk mesenchyme |
trunk musculature |
trunk neural crest |
trunk neural crest cell |
trunk sensory canal |
trunk vasculature |
tunica externa |
tunica interna |
UCoD |
ultimobranchial body |
uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract |
unfertilized egg |
unilaminar epithelium |
unipolar neuron |
unspecified |
upper left intestinal lymph vessel |
upper lip |
upper oral valve |
upper rhombic lip |
upper right intestinal lymph vessel |
ural centrum 2 |
ural vertebra 2 |
urogenital papilla |
urohyal |
uroneural |
urostyle |
urothelial cell |
utricle |
utriculosaccular foramen |
UV sensitive photoreceptor cell |
vagal ganglion |
vagal ganglion 1 |
vagal ganglion 2 |
vagal ganglion 3 |
vagal ganglion 4 |
vagal lobe |
vagal neural crest |
vagal placode 1 |
vagal placode 2 |
vagal placode 3 |
vagal placode 4 |
vagal root |
vagal sensory zone |
valvula cerebelli |
VaP motor neuron |
vascular associated smooth muscle cell |
vascular cord |
vascular endothelium |
vascular lymphangioblast |
vascular smooth muscle |
vascular sprouts |
vasculature |
vein |
VeLD |
vent |
ventral accessory optic nucleus |
ventral actinotrichium |
ventral anterior lateral line ganglion |
ventral anterior lateral line nerve |
ventral aorta |
ventral arrector |
ventral branch nasal ciliary artery |
ventral canal eye |
ventral caudal adductor |
ventral entopeduncular nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
ventral fin fold |
ventral funiculus |
ventral habenular nucleus |
ventral horn spinal cord |
ventral hyoid arch |
ventral hypohyal bone |
ventral hypohyal-urohyal joint |
ventral hypothalamic zone |
ventral interfilamental caudal muscle |
ventral intermandibularis anterior |
ventral intermandibularis posterior |
ventral larval melanophore stripe |
ventral lateral mesoderm |
ventral liver lobe |
ventral mandibular arch |
ventral mesenchyme |
ventral mesentery |
ventral mesoderm |
ventral motor nucleus trigeminal nerve |
ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalon |
ventral oblique branchial muscle |
ventral oblique extraocular muscle |
ventral pelvic arrector |
ventral posterior glomerulus |
ventral proneural cluster |
ventral rectus |
ventral rhombencephalic commissure |
ventral rhombencephalic commissure medulla oblongata |
ventral root |
ventral spinal nerve |
ventral spinal nerve median branch |
ventral spinal nerve septal branch |
ventral sulcus |
ventral telencephalon |
ventral thalamus |
ventral thalamus nucleus |
ventral tooth row |
ventral transverse |
ventral wall of dorsal aorta |
ventral zone olfactory bulb |
ventricular endocardium |
ventricular epicardium |
ventricular myocardium |
ventricular system |
ventricular zone |
ventriculo bulbo valve |
ventroanterior zone of olfactory bulb |
ventro-caudal cluster |
ventrolateral nucleus |
ventrolateral optic tract |
ventrolateral thalamic nucleus |
ventromedial thalamic nucleus |
ventromedial zone olfactory bulb |
ventroposterior zone olfactory bulb |
ventro-rostral cluster |
venule |
vertebra |
vertebra 1 |
vertebra 10 |
vertebra 11 |
vertebra 12 |
vertebra 2 |
vertebra 3 |
vertebra 4 |
vertebra 4-vertebra 5 joint |
vertebra 5 |
vertebra 5-vertebra 6 joint |
vertebra 6 |
vertebra 6 - vertebra 7 joint |
vertebra 7 |
vertebra 8 |
vertebra 9 |
vertebral artery |
vertebral column |
vertical myoseptum |
vestibuloauditory system |
vestibulolateralis lobe |
vestibulo-spinal tract |
vH ionocyte |
visceral fat |
visceral peritoneum |
visceromotor column |
visceromotor neuron |
viscerosensory commissural nucleus of Cajal |
visible light photoreceptor cell |
visual pigment cell (sensu Vertebrata) |
visual system |
vitreous |
vmG1 |
vmG2 |
vmG3 |
vmG4 |
vmG5 |
vmG6 |
vmG7 |
vmGx |
vmGy |
vpG1 |
vpG2 |
Weberian apparatus |
Weberian ossicle |
Weberian vertebra |
white matter |
whole organism |
xanthoblast |
xanthophore |
yolk |
yolk larval melanophore stripe |
zona limitans intrathalamica |
zona radiata |
zone of polarizing activity pectoral fin bud |
zone of polarizing activity pelvic fin bud |
zonule |
Lab Name | Principal Investigator | Institution | Country |
Alestrom Lab | Peter Alestrom | Norwegian University of Life Sciences | Norway |
Bartel Lab | David P. Bartel | Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research | USA |
Barts and The London Genome Center | — | Queen Mary University of London | UK |
Bobe lab | Julien Bobe | Laboratoire de Physiologie et Genomique des Poissons, INRA, Rennes | France |
Busch-Nentwich Lab | Elisabeth Busch-Nentwich | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | UK |
Cairns Lab | Brad Cairns | HHMI | USA |
Chatterjee Lab | Aniruddha Chatterjee | Department of Pathology, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago | New Zealand |
Daub Lab | Carsten Daub | KI | Sweden |
de Wit Lab | Elzo de Wit | Division Of Gene Regulation, Netherlands Cancer Institute | The Netherlands |
Doe Lab | Janine Doe | ISS | Space |
Driever Lab | Wolfgang Driever | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Ekker Lab | Stephen C Ekker | Mayo Clinic, Rochester | United States of America |
Englert lab | Christoph Englert | Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute | Germany |
Ferrer lab | Jorge Ferrer | IDIBAPS | Spain |
GeneWiz NGS services | — | Genewiz | United States of America |
Genome Technology Access Center | — | Washington University, St. Louis | USA |
Giraldez Lab | Antonio Giraldez | Yale | USA |
Gomez Lab | Manuel J. Gomez | CNIC | Spain |
Gong Lab | Zhiyuan Gong | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
Horsfield Lab | Julia Horsfield | Department of Pathology, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago | New Zealand |
Johns Hopkins Deep Sequencing and Microarray Core Facility | — | — | USA |
Kamminga Lab | Leonie Kamminga | Radboud University | The Netherlands |
Kere Lab | Juha Kere | Karolinska Institute | Sweden |
Klose Lab | Rob Klose | University of Oxford | UK |
Lawson Lab | Nathan D. Lawson | University of Massachusetts Medical School | USA |
Lenhard Lab | Boris Lenhard | Imperial College London | UK |
Liangbiao Lab | Chen Liangbiao | Shanghai Ocean University | China |
Lister lab | Ryan Lister | University of Western Australia | Australia |
Liu Lab | Jiang Liu | Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS | China |
Mathavan Lab | Sinnakaruppan Mathavan | NTU Medical School | Singapore |
MRC-CSC Genomics facility | — | MRC-CSC | UK |
Mueller lab | Ferenc Mueller | University of Birmingham | UK |
NGI Sweden | Carsten Daub | National Genomic Infrastructure | Sweden |
Novogene | - | - | China |
Onichtchouk Lab | Daria Onichtchouk | University of Freiburg | Germany |
Pandey Lab | Akhilesh Pandey | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine | USA |
Peers Lab | Bernard Peers | University of Liege | Belgium |
Postlethwait Lab | John H. Postlethwait | Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon | USA |
RIKEN | Piero Carninci | RIKEN | Japan |
Rotterdam Genomics core | — | Erasmus MC | The Netherlands |
Sadler Lab | Kirsten Sadler Edepli | New York University Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates |
Sauka-Spengler Lab | Tatjana Sauka-Spengler | University of Oxford | UK |
Schier Lab | Alex Schier | Harvard University | USA |
Shkumatava Lab | Alena Shkumatava | Institut Curie | France |
Skarmeta Lab | José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta | Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo | Spain |
Stainier Lab | Didier Stainier | Max Planck Institute For Heart and Lung Research | Germany |
Strahle Lab | Uwe Strähle | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
Vaquerizas Lab | Juan M. Vaquerizas | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine | Germany |
Vastenhouw lab | Nadine Vastenhouw | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics | Germany |
Wardle Lab | Fiona Wardle | King's College London | England |
Wei Lab | Chunyao Wei | Vanderbilt University | USA |
Winata Lab | Cecilia Winata | IIMCB Warsaw | Poland |
Wong lab | Ryan Y. Wong | University of Nebraska Omaha | USA |
Xie Lab | Wei Xie | Tsinghua University, Beijing | China |
Xu Lab | Anlong Xu | School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University | China |
Yang Lab | Hongxing Yang | Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden | China |
Zhang Lab | Yuji Zhang | University of Maryland | USA |
Zon Lab | Leonard Zon | Boston Children's Hospital | USA |
Name |
3P-seq |
4C-seq |
ATAC-seq |
Bru-seq |
BS-seq |
CAGE-seq |
Capture-C |
ChIP-exo-seq |
ChIP-seq |
DNAse-seq |
FAIRE-seq |
GRO-seq |
Hi-C |
iCLIP-seq |
MeDIP-seq |
MethylCap-seq |
MethylC-seq |
miRNA-seq |
MNase-seq |
mRNA-seq |
PAL-seq |
PAR-Clip-seq |
PAS-seq |
Ribo-seq |
RIP-seq |
RNA-seq |
SELEX-seq |
small-RNA-seq |
STARR-seq |
TAB-seq |
Name |
10-13 somites |
128-cell |
14-19 somites |
1-4 somites |
16-cell |
1-cell |
1k-cell |
20-25 somites |
256-cell |
26+ somites |
2-cell |
30%-epiboly |
32-cell |
4-cell |
50%-epiboly |
512-cell |
5-9 somites |
64-cell |
75%-epiboly |
8-cell |
90 Days-2 Years |
90%-epiboly |
Bud |
Day 4 |
Day 5 |
Day 6 |
Days 14-20 |
Days 21-29 |
Days 30-44 |
Days 45-89 |
Days 7-13 |
Dome |
Germ-ring |
High |
High-pec |
Long-pec |
Oblong |
Pec-fin |
Prim-15 |
Prim-25 |
Prim-5 |
Protruding-mouth |
Shield |
Sphere |
Name |
AB |
AB/C32 |
C32 |
crossbreed |
HK |
NA |
RW |
SH |
SJD/C32 |
SPF 5-D |
TL |
TU |
WT |
Name |
ABI 377 automated sequencer |
AB SOLiD System |
Genome Sequence 20 |
Genome Sequence FLX+ / FLX |
HiScanSQ |
HiSeq 1000 |
HiSeq 1500 |
HiSeq 2000 |
HiSeq 2500 |
HiSeq 3000 |
HiSeq 4000 |
HiSeq 5000 |
HiSeq High-Output v3 |
HiSeq High-Output v4 |
HiSeq Rapid Run |
HiSeq X Ten |
Li-Cor 4300 DNA Analysis System |
MiSeq v3 |
NextSeq 500 High-Output |
NextSeq 500 Mid-Output |
Name |
Illumina |
Ion |
PacBio |
Roche 454 |
Name |
f |
m |
Name |
forward |
reverse |
unstranded |